5 Trends That Are Driving Mobile App Development In 2018

Mobile App Development In 2018

As the number of smartphone users grow at a phenomenal pace, mobile apps have become a part of the business development tactics for any enterprise. In fact, it is impossible for businesses to imagine growing without having a mobile strategy in place. This is, however, easier said than done because the competition in this space is daunting and there are hundreds of similar apps on the app store. Being different yet following trends is the mantra of success. When it comes to mobile app development trends in 2018, here are the ones to look out for:

1. The rise of wearables and the IoT

The wearable market has witnessed a huge boom in the past few years and this year wearable apps have emerged as winners. Wearable mobile apps are built to power up IoT-enabled devices. Home automation is the best example of the combined usage of the technologies of wearables and the IoT. A device at your home can be connected with a wearable smartwatch and you can use it to switch the device on even while at work.

2. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are the two most popular technologies that are transforming mobile experiences like never before. Most of the gaming and e-commerce applications are making use of these technologies to deliver life-like experiences to the users and engaging them in a better way. E-commerce sellers are using them to give a virtual “try” of their products so that they appear more credible.

3. Enterprise mobility and BYOD

Another app development trend that is making it big in 2018 is that of enterprise mobility and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). These apps empower employees and partners to get access to the business data right on their mobile devices. This drives smart connectivity as they can be connected even while they are in the field. The BYOD trend also enables enterprises to automate their processes and enhance productivity and efficiency.

4. Android Instant Apps

Android instant apps are specially-built native apps which resemble websites in their performance. They are being preferred by the app users today as they need not be downloaded, which makes them absolutely convenient for the users. In addition to serving seamless web-like experiences, these apps also save the device storage space as there is no need to download them.

5. Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence

The trend of use of chatbots and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been around for a few years but it continues to rule in 2018 too. In fact, the AI-powered chatbots has become a necessity for every single mobile application today as users look for conversational interfaces for better experiences. For e-commerce shoppers, they make a better alternative to human customer support as they are more reliable and available round the clock.

Whether you are investing in mobile app development orlando or any other state, these trends must be followed to deliver better user experiences. Enhanced user experiences translate into more conversions and better chances of success for a business application.