What Is Forging and What Are Different Types Of Forging Methods?

What Is Forging and What Are Different Types Of Forging Methods?
What Is Forging and What Are Different Types Of Forging Methods?

Steel forging suppliers is a manufacturing process that involves hammering, pressing or rolling metal to shape it. A hammer or die is used to apply these compressive forces. Forging is frequently classified by the temperature at which it is carried out: cold, warm, or hot forging.

Forging can also be done with a variety of metals. Carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel are the most common metals used in forging. Aluminum, brass, and copper are all soft metals that can be developed. With minimal waste, the forging process can produce parts with excellent mechanical properties. The basic idea is that the original metal is plastically deformed into the desired geometric shape, which increases its fatigue resistance and strength. The process is cost-effective, as it can mass-produce parts while also achieving specific mechanical properties in the final product.

What was the history of forging?

For thousands of years, smiths have practiced forging. During the Bronze Age, bronze and copper were the most common forged metals; however, iron became the primary stamped metal after controlling temperature, and the process of smelting iron was discovered. Kitchenware, hardware, hand tools, and edged weapons are examples of traditional products. Forging became a more efficient mass-production process thanks to the Industrial Revolution. Forging has progressed since then, thanks to advancements in equipment, robotics, electronic controls, and automation. Modern steel forgings suppliers produce high-quality metal parts in various sizes, shapes, materials, and finishes, developing the global industry.

What are the methods of forging?

There are several forging methods available, each with its own set of capabilities and advantages. Drop forging and roll forging are two of the most commonly used forging techniques.

Forging by dropping

Drop forging gets its name from the act of striking metal with a hammer to shape it into the shape of the die. The surfaces that bring into contact with the metal are referred to as the die. Open-die and closed-die drop forging are the two types of drop forging. Die surfaces are usually flat, but some have uniquely shaped covers for specialized operations.

Forging with an open die (smith forging)

Smith forging is another name for open-die forging. On a stationary anvil, a hammer strikes and deforms a metal. The metal is never entirely confined in the dies in this forging, allowing it to flow except where it comes into contact with the dice. The operator is in charge of orienting and positioning the metal to achieve the desired final shape. For specialized operations, flat dies are used, with some having specially shaped surfaces. Simple and large parts are also well-customized metal components, are suitable for open-die forging.

What are the advantages of forging?

  • Resistance to fatigue and increased strength
  • Errors and holes are less likely to occur.
  • Microstructure is improved.
  • Grain flow is constant.
  • Grain size refinement
  • Manufacturing forged steel valves

Impression-die forging is another name for closed-die forging. The metal is pressed into a die and hammered against an anvil. The metal is struck with a hammer, which causes it to flow and fill the die cavities. On a millisecond scale, the hammer is timed to make multiple contact points with the metal. Flash occurs when excess metal is pushed out of the die cavities. Because the flash cools faster than the rest of the material, it outlasts the metal in the die. The second is removed after forging.

Forging by rolling

Two cylindrical or semi-cylindrical horizontal rolls deform a round or flat bar stock in roll forging. This reduces its thickness while increasing its length. This heated bar is inserted and rolled between two rolls, each with one or more shaped grooves, and is gradually shaped as it passes through the machine. This procedure is repeated until the desired shape and size are obtained.

Benefits of automatic roll forging include:

  • There is little to no material waste produced.
  • Produces a metal with a favorable grain structure.
  • Metal’s cross-sectional area is reduced.
  • Taper ends are produced.

Forging upheaval

Upset forging is a manufacturing process that compresses the length of a metal to increase its diameter. In upset forging, crank presses, a type of high-speed machine, are used. Crank presses are usually set on a horizontal plane to increase efficiency and faster metal exchange between stations. There are also hydraulic presses and vertical crank presses.

The following are some advantages of upset forging:

  • Production rates of up to 4500 parts per hour are possible.
  • It is possible to automate everything.
  • The forging draught and flash have been eliminated.
  • There is little to no waste produced.
  • Hot forging is done automatically.

Mill-length steel bars are then inserted into one end of the forging machine at room temperature, and hot forged products emerge from the other end in automatic hot forging. In less than 60 seconds, high-power induction coils heat the bar to a temperature ranging from 2190–2370°F. With the help of rollers, the bar is descaled and divided into blanks. The metal is then passed through a series of forming stages, some of which can be combined with high-speed cold-forming operations. The cold-forming function is usually delegated to the finishing stage. It is possible to reap the benefits of cold-working while maintaining the high speed of automatic hot forging in this manner.

Benefits of automatic hot forging include:

  • High production rate
  • Low-cost materials are accepted.
  • The operation of machinery necessitates a minimum amount of labor.
  • Produces little to no waste (material savings of 20–30% when compared to traditional forging)


Forging is a process that requires a lot of practice. In this field, a great deal of know-how and experience has been accumulated over time, primarily through trial-and-error methods. The forging process creates finished products in a short amount of time with little to no scrap. As a result, both energy and material are saved. Forgings can be more expensive than parts made through other methods such as casting or machining, but they provide more reliable functions with superior mechanical and metallurgical properties.