Impact of Big Data over E-Commerce Industry

Impact of Big Data over E-Commerce Industry

India is the fasting developing economy. Its economy is based on several industries as for transforming from developing to develop, a joint effort is needed. Many sectors are working day and night to take India to global markets. However there is definitely one such industry which works day in and day out to serve its customers.

E-Commerce industry has raised its status very fast in a country like India where it takes lot of time of break the jinx of old methodologies due to rigidness in our society. It was never expected that in our country E-commerce industry will see such a positive response and make the e-commerce industry worth millions and billions.

Big Data Influence on E-commerce Industry

Big data plays an important role in e-commerce industry as it provides all the essential details which can be seriously fruitful and responsible on how the next step is taken by e-commerce companies. Big data is behind the success of many e-commerce companies in west and the same scenario is present in India where major e-commerce sites takes advantage of big data and analytics solutions efficiently to plan their strategies. These big data information comes handy in the festive times where all the e-commerce companies targets to attract more customers by providing them with different discounts and sales.

A customer doesn’t understand and know that its mere surfing of an e-commerce site is being watched and tracked by big data operators and they are seeing all the movements on screen such as searching products, opting for price ranges, looking for particular sizes and shapes and etc. All these tiny little information are gathered into vast ocean of knowledge by which the e-commerce industry takes advantageous decisions.

These details are behind the major decisions which e-commerce companies take over period of time in form of announcing sales and some various benefits to the customers. Big data also enables the e-commerce companies to let know the keywords that are typed in search engines and the results they find so that e-commerce companies can make some good decisions out of it.

Investments Based on Big Data

Big data provides clarity to the e-commerce companies when and where to invest. They also enable them to target a particular class of people. E-commerce companies swing their moods as per the big data information. Many e-commerce companies invest according to the information of big data so that they can avail more profit. Timing is key factor in business and big data makes you perfect in order to take timely decisions. Investments on marketing goes heavy when there is festival approaching, as you will see more ads describing about sales and discounts on particular e-commerce site.

Big Data is all about Selection and Action

The biggest challenge while opting for big data is selection of data and acting according to it. This is the step where many e-commerce companies lose their plots. Big data provides you with information but it is up to your analytical team to search about its authenticity. Any information can’t be trustworthy therefore it is highly recommendable to check the information twice before implementing the action against it.

With e-commerce industries offering us with so many options it is amazing to know that it is our actions transferred as big data which helps in survival of e-commerce companies. Hence we are responsible for our future and we should always shop from only that e-commerce site which provides clear details of products and deliver the same quality as promised within the stipulated time limit.
