Should We Replace Diesel Engine Water Pump Before Its Failing

diesel engine water pumps

Water pumps are sensitive. Some can fail before reaching the 50k miles, whereas others keep running smoothly after a million. But if one fails all of a sudden, it can be a significant work to repair. Along with that, you will suffer the risk of engine damage. Do your diesel engine water pumps have more than a few hundred miles on them? In that case, you might be wondering about the preventative replacement of the water pump. So below are some procedures you need to consider when replacing a new diesel engine water pumps.

When A Diesel Water Pump Fails, Here’s A Thing To Do

Firstly, consider replacing it as soon as possible when you see a water pump is leaking on a diesel engine without delay. Water pumps that have lost their seal or leaking will likely fail sooner than later. And failure can lead to additional expenses and expensive engine problems.

Most of the diesel engines do not have an interval for water pump maintenance. The water pump is expected to give extended life to the engine under regular use. Therefore, most of these engines do not consider the term ‘normal use .’ Many others see far more than expected mileage on the engine.

Is It Okay To Replace The Water Pump As Preventive Maintenance

In general words, service experts tend to wait till things are broken or damaged before replacing them. Water pumps are labor-intensive to replace. So until they do not show any signs of leaking, corrosion, or another emergency fixing, they are not considered to be replaced. But performing the replacement according to the intervals the pump and all the other costs would be saved. In addition, it would keep you undergoing any hassle when the pump fails. Overall, preventive maintenance is a lot more convenient to handle than unpredictable repairs.

The next  is to do proper research and find the correct pump for the repair job if the final decision is made. To keep the expenses down, many opt for remanufactured/rebuilt units. Therefore, various companies provide brand new OEM spec diesel water pumps for the same desired price as a rebuilt unit.

When to Replace Diesel Engine Water Pumps

The average water pump withstands 1.7 million liters of coolant for about four years. A water pump, when fails it will cause an engine to overheat. The damage to the engine will be catastrophic if the water pump continues to fail. Therefore, it is why it is crucial to inspect the water pump at each service interval properly.

The appropriate time typically to install a belt kit includes the fitment of a water pump. Therefore, a decision is concluded to change the belt no, but not to replace the water pump simultaneously, presumes that the water will be extended for another entire duty cycle of the belt.

It is usually recommended to change the water pumps when belt kits are fitted, and manufacturers suggest replacing the seals and old gaskets with ones.

It is crucial to check the manufacturer’s recommendations before performing the replacement of any water pump. Each engine structure likely to have its belt drive configuration of its own. It is necessary to keenly observe the specific instructions and make sure to use the suitable tools. A proper catalog for a kit is also available for the required model you are working on.

How To Install Diesel Engine Water Pumps In 13 Easy Steps

  1. Safety must always be the first concern, and to avoid any harm always until the engine gets cool before operating on any part of the cooling system
  2. By properly following the manufacturer’s given procedure, safely remove the belt drive components.
  3. Detach the hose attached to the water pump, and also be aware that a considerable quantity of coolant can pour out of the hose when you lift it off
  4. Loosen the bolts and detach the old water pump.
  5. Detach the gasket sealant/old seal and make sure the mounting surface is dirt-free
  6. Properly inspect the other cooling system service parts before installing the new water pump. The parts include the thermostat, coolant hoses, and pressure caps.
  7. Install the new water pump. Do not compel the pump on by manifesting the pump shaft. New ones should replace seals and old gaskets. Make sure to follow the installation instructions carefully. Only apply sealant if remarkably suggested by the manufacturer. Along the edge of the part, place an even bead adhesive but do not use too much adhesive. If you pour too much adhesive, make sure to wipe it off before mounting the new water pump.
  8. Stretch both evenly according to the manufacturer’s revolution specifications.
  9. Reaffix the hose
  10. Using the appropriate manufacturer’s recommended coolant, refill the coolant system again.
  11. By hand, rotate the pump, and sure it spins freely.
  12. The belt drive system that will run the new water pump is ideal and installed following the manufacturer’s suggested procedures. Therefore, the water pump and belt drive system must work in unison. So it is why changing the belt, water pump, and other elements simultaneously is excellent preventive maintenance.
  13. Do a final inspection properly to make sure there is no leakage after refilling the cooling system


In the above information, we have briefly discussed why it is necessary to replace the diesel engine water pumps and the appropriate time to perform it. It would be helpful for you to predict the damage and do your replacement at regular intervals without waiting for it to get damaged or to leak. The installation process is also explained to help you avoid any failure or faulty installation.