Top 10 Reasons to Use a Patient Portal


A typical Internet user would know what a patient portal is if he or she has ever availed of online medical services. Here, we have outlined the 10 major reasons that should encourage patients and doctors alike to use a patient portal Software.

  1. Ease of access is on the top of list because of the reliability on Internet that anyone can use to view lab reports, pertinent medical documents, history, etc.
  2. It saves time by maintaining a record of relevant information which can later be seen without hassles. The saved information can be used to fill up relevant forms as well.
  3. A patient portal Software helps keep track of your appointments, bills, etc. which can be used to send reminders or make use of bills for insurance purpose.
  4. It eliminates the involvement of staff that is often over-burdened because they often have a lot of things to take care of and are capable of making errors. Other than the error-removal, a doctor can save significant amount by using a Software.
  5. It provides smart options like prescription refills that make patient’s feel satisfied. Patients’ who do not have any help can really benefit from such options. There can be reminders set in advance for the medicine that might require a refill.
  6. A patient portal Software also provides numerous options for making payments. This ease makes patients feel comfortable and doctors can benefit by not losing patients who are out of cash. Apart from that, the Software can keep a record of the outstanding or advance payment for future reference.
  7. A portal can also be a great medium to educate your patients on various health-related or medicinal advances. You can create blogs on topics that you want patients to be aware of. These blogs not only help in educating patients but also eliminate the need for patients to connect with doctors on common issues that they can learn about from the blogs.
  8. It acts as a wonderful medium to enhance doctor-patient relationship. A patient portal Software has forums where a patient can communicate his or her concerns to the doctor and get response.
    This does not have any time limit. This is an online facility and a doctor would respond within a stipulated time.
  9. A patient portal does not have to necessarily have information present information. It has the provision for updating medical history. This information can be useful in case of emergency as well when a patient can’t respond to questions like what is her or her blood group or does he or have ailments like diabetes, blood pressure, etc.
  10. A patient can benefit from a patient portal software by getting help in filling the pre-visit form which can often be a tedious task. Patients are required to fill in these forms usually before meeting the doctor. With a software, a need for these forms can also be eliminated because the required information will be stored in the database.

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