Plugs are the lifelines of all our electrical equipment. Whether it is mobile phone, fridge, or even an inverter, plugs are crucial. If you have ever encountered a situation where your equipment is not functioning because of faulty plugs, you would never undermine the value of plugs. And if you have not experienced something like this, than I wish that you never have to.
A plug comprises various small accessories like screws, plug pins, nuts, wires, etc. And, the quality of each of these contributes to how long and well your plug will survive. Each accessory has a vital role to play. Today, we will discuss the role of plug pins and elaborate why brass is the ideal material for plug pins.
The Role of Plug Pins
We have all plugged and unplugged numerous equipment’s in our lives without pondering on what is the purpose of the pins and why do they exist. Well, there are many answers to that thought. First of all, the brass plug pins act as a means of connecting plug to the electrical point. Second, each pin is connected to neutral, live, and earth wires to facilitate the electricity flow safely.
The Value that Brass Adds
The main idea behind creation of an alloy was to get the benefits of properties that two different elements have. Now, it is a well-known fact that brass is an alloy of copper and zinc and it has great properties. For manufacturers, the single most lucrative factor is the machine ability of brass. It is easier to mould and shape and create customized products.
For consumers, brass has a good visual appeal which resembles gold. It is highly durable and has rust resistance properties. These qualities lure customers to opt for hardware made out of brass. Additionally, the chances of overheating are also reduced when you use brass which is very important for a material that is used to create plug pins. Brass plug pins carry all these qualities and therefore, almost all the manufacturers around the world, offer varieties of plug pins made out of brass.
The Varieties that Exist
Manufacturers offer a great variety of plug pins. This includes hollow or solid pins, pins of different sizes for high voltage or heavy-duty equipment, sets of three/two pins or individual pins. The demand of brass plug pins is high and that is why manufacturers also offer customized services as well. You can contact manufacturers with your requirement and let them tailor make the products that you are looking for.
While choosing the material for plug pins depend on your needs, it is unlikely that brass will not fit your requirement. You can always connect with your manufacturer to decide on the grade of brass that you want to use. The grades vary on the basis of the proportion of copper and zinc used to create the alloy. Post a comment to share your thoughts on why brass should or should not be chosen as a plug pin material.